Lost Village - Terms and conditions


These Conditions govern all Tickets issued for the Event and the admission to the Venue and should be read in accordance with the Site Rules and the conditions of the Official Ticketing Agent. All capitalised terms used in these Conditions shall have the meanings given to them in paragraph 57 of these Conditions. All Tickets are issued either by us or on our behalf. Any person who purchases, possesses, uses or attempts to use any Ticket shall be deemed to have accepted and agreed to comply with these Conditions. In the case of any conflict or ambiguity between these Conditions and the Site Rules or conditions of the Official Ticketing Agent (or any other ticketing agent used to purchase additional products from us in connection with the Event), these Conditions will prevail.

Ticket Purchase and Delivery

Ticket Use & Prohibitions on Transfers

Refunds & Cancellation  

Venue Entry & Requirements

Media & Recordings



“Ancillary Ticket” means any ticket (whether a hard copy ticket or an e-ticket) pursuant to which an individual has purchased any additional goods or services for the Event from Lost Village, including parking, premium accommodation and accommodation-related extras and other extras or experiences (such as Village Feast, Table in the Woods dining and Energy Garden experiences);

“Arena” means the area (s) within the Venue where performances will take place at the Event;

“Authorised Person(s)” means collectively all Event management (or those appointed by Event Management), Venue Management, Police, public bodies and agencies responsible for safety and security in connection with the Event or the Venue, and their respective staff, officials, representatives, officers and volunteers;

“Conditions” means these terms and conditions and the Site Rules which are incorporated into these Conditions by reference, together with any amendments or updates to the same issued by or on our behalf from time to time;

“Event” means Lost Village Festival;

“Face Value” means the specified price of the Ticket only (including United Kingdom value added tax thereon) as stated on the relevant Ticket, and excludes any Handling Fee (or part thereof) or other fees or charges paid by the Ticket Purchaser in respect of that Ticket (including postage or courier charges);

“Force Majeure” means any cause beyond our control including, without limitation, an act of God, war, insurrection, riot, civil disturbances acts of terrorism, fire, explosion, flood, royal mourning, national mourning, theft of essential equipment, malicious damage, strike, lock out, weather, third party injunction, national defence requirements and/or acts of regulations of national or local governments, or the threat of any of the aforementioned;

“Handling Fee” means the fee payable per Ticket transaction or order, charged in addition to the Face Value of the Ticket, for the processing and delivery of Tickets in that transaction or order (including United Kingdom value added tax thereon);

“Official Ticketing Agent” means our official appointed ticket agent for the Event, namely Kaboodle Solutions Limited t/a Kaboodle, acting as our agent;

“Original Sale Price” means the specified price of each Ticket plus any Handling Fee (or part thereof) and other charges necessary to effect the sale or trade of that Ticket (including postage or courier charges);

“Prohibited Item(s)” means any items which we or any Authorised Person deem to be dangerous or inappropriate including (without limitation) those items specified in sub-paragraphs 33(b)(c) and (d) of these Conditions and any further items listed at www.lostvillagefestival.com/FAQ from time to time;

“Site Rules” means all rules relating to the Venue made known to you by us or by any third party on our behalf whether in writing, online or otherwise (including on display at the Venue);

"Ticket" means any ticket (whether a hard copy ticket or an e-ticket) evidencing a personal revocable licence from us for an individual named therein to attend the Event and the Venue in accordance with the details indicated thereon and also to camp at the Venue;

"Ticket Holder” means any individual possessing, holding or using a Ticket, including (without limitation) the Ticket Purchaser or any person to whom the Ticket was issued or transferred;

“Ticket Purchaser” means the individual who has purchased a Ticket or Tickets through the Event’s Official Ticketing Agent; 

 “Venue” means the entire premises of Oakhill Leisure, Swinderby, Lincoln where the Event is scheduled to take place including all adjacent and surrounding areas used or controlled by us in connection with the staging of the Event, including without limitation any car park and camping sites; and

“We” means Lost Ventures Limited (company number: 09300325);

“Wristband” means any valid wristband given to a Ticket Holder in exchange for their Ticket at the Event, which may be embedded with an RFID chip if it’s a cashless Event.  



Boutique Camping: Boutique Sanctuary  
